I was just taking the plain product shots as it will be reedit and reposition on somewhere else so i didnt put in any props to enhance the products.
We took 4 to 5 hours to finish the shots for 43 types of snow ice with different toppings.... yougurt, milk, chocolate, coffee, green tea, mango, peanuts "snow ice" with difference toppings on each. Well, it's not really long session comparing to the full day studio shooting, but the one who blends the ice were exhausted.. lol...

The proper way to eat the ice is, do not stir, cos the ice are blended into very thin pieces, so they melts pretty fast if u stir it, and for this egg yolk snow ice, you have to poke the yolk and u cover it with the ice, it sort of "cook" the yolk, you wont taste the egg yolk stinky. For those who love eggs, it's nice ^^, it's a like it or hate it thing.
It's a cool shop...why?
cos they've got a very powerful air condition, haha~

I took this photo with someone else's suggestion, we thought it might look good on the shelf near the window with all these flower in the vases.
This is actually 2nd photo shooting for all of the products cos Iglool snow ice introduce new sets of menu periodically. They changes their concept once a while to refresh their image so that they keep their customers coming. Iglool is the franchise from a Taiwan company named Charmy Snow Ice, they currently got 2 outlets and a kiosk, the following kiosk will be at The Spring next year.

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