Do and Re(i dunno what they will be name later ^^) are bigger (weight 130-160grams), they are also adorable, I actually likes them as much as Tin Tin and the rest. But they are far more friendly comparing to Tin Tin, they more approachable.... they are the explorer~~~
So, that make my choice to be giving them both out, they are better pet to new hedgehogs owner, and of cos i'm trying to make sure Tin Tin becomes fei fei bak bak~~~
my frens are kinda ready.... they wanted to keep them, and i hope this 2 more friendly boys would love their new home soon. Both going to separate house, but i'm quite sure they will keep them in good shapes :)
And so there you go.....
I'm keeping a boy and a girl, ;) both have a character of their daddy, sleep and ONLY approachable with TREATSSSSSSSSSSSSSS....nvm that, they are all lovely....
The next thing is......what should i name "Fa"................hmmmmmm
since one is call tin tin (ting ting) then the other would be call "tong tong" so whn u wana call both of them, it would be ting ting tong tong!! haha!! everyting should be in pair ;p
btw, look at dis pic the angle u took tat little cute, it looks like a pig wf tat nose...
very cute hedgehog... I like Tin Tin... :D
PP u insulted TinTin....
But....yeah, looks like a pig, if he got two carnivore teeth sticking out, that would make him the wild hog.... LOL
yeah u oso agree he looks like a pig! hahaha!! yea, more like a wild hog, but he is cute little one :)
oh jac, u giving do and re to fren? eee... i wanna see them before u gave out lar.... so that i can touch the approachable one... but wont' bite me.
errr....approachable doesnt mean wont bite...hahahahahahahah~~~
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