Baby girl is friendly today, i held her on my palm and i felt she is warm, very warm... i notice her quills isnt shiny... is it because the quills changing? or is it not....... hmmm... i have to be very careful with her, monitor her closely for the coming days.
Babies are eating much, bowls are always empty and i think i have to increase more rooms for them to have private bed.
The next thing I'm trying to train is on their litter, poos pool....
wah tuan2 yuan2 fan4!!! hahaha!!! hedghog oso can train ar?? so good. i tink mb fa seldom jemur under sun, oways in the dark tat's y quils not shiny
Love the pics!...Keep us posted with the hedgies!!
pp u kns!!
i tot u'd say i din polish em...
eh, pic cannot keep posting, later u sick with it..LOL
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