Week 5 is actually the beginning of each character to be slowly reveal...and i spend 2 weeks observing each behavior....
- Mickey is the big boi; Do, he drinks from bowl, he's brave, he's friendly but he's a bully to his brother sister, i once saw him bite scooby/tintin....naughty boy. He has a slightly visible white straight stripe at the end of his body... Mickey is pretty close with Scooby, whenever Mickey is awake, Scooby mostly will be awake. When Mickey comes out, Scooby will be out next.....
Favorite Food: Meal Worms
Hate: Bath
- Scooby is Re, he's timid, even if i nearer my hands, he'd easily get scared and ball up, shivering just like ScoobyDoo... But whenever i have worms in my palm, he'll dive for the worms. Scooby likes driking from the bottle...Scooby's quills are mostly standing...pretty much standing, always in defensive mode...haha... But he's also a bit slow, sometimes when he's chewing kibbles, he might also pick the worm up from my palm, like chewing everything -,-""
Favorite Food: Meal Worms
Hate: Bath
- Tin Tin is Me. Whenever i feed TuanTuan, Tin Tin will be rushing out. He's smart, he knows it's time for worms~~ Tin Tin is very smart, despite he's tiny body, he's the most alert and energetic one. This small guy is too smart, when he got his turn on the worms, he'd go inside the box, and pop his head out from the other end and I, the stupid one, thought was he's brother, so i gave him another worms. Damn, after he comes out i realise he's actually Tin Tin....
Favorite Food: Meal Worms
Hate: Bath
-Finally, it's Fa - Marney, the female hedgehog. She's always the last one to sneaks out for meal, always the last one to finish her meal. When the rest are eating outside, she'd be mostly sleeping inside the box... and if she wakes up, she would stay at the box opening, watching what's happening... only sticks her head out if i hold a worm on my palm.... She's very careful :P She actually heavier and bigger than Tin Tin eventhough she eat less when i was around, maybe she only sneaks out when I'm not around. Other than worms, her favorite is sleep. Just like PP. =P
Favorite Food: Meal Worms
Hate: Bath
I bath them all today, except Marney, she wont come out...i lure her with a worm, but she still stay inside..hahaha, she wants sleeps.....damn... 2 months later, Tuan Tuan finally meets Yuan Yuan again.... 2 months of depression for Yuan Yuan, Yuan Yuan seems to be totally cheer up today. He's excited to see Tuan Tuan, i let them both meet outside the cage and inside Yuan Yuan's cage... He squeak seeing her....I let the spend about 10 minutes or less??
After i return Tuan Tuan to her cage, Yuan Yuan sits and stare at the door.... clearly, he cant wait to see her again.