
Week 7

At Week 7, I finally manage to differentiate them =D
Week 5 is actually the beginning of each character to be slowly reveal...and i spend 2 weeks observing each behavior....

- Mickey is the big boi; Do, he drinks from bowl, he's brave, he's friendly but he's a bully to his brother sister, i once saw him bite scooby/tintin....naughty boy. He has a slightly visible white straight stripe at the end of his body... Mickey is pretty close with Scooby, whenever Mickey is awake, Scooby mostly will be awake. When Mickey comes out, Scooby will be out next.....
Favorite Food: Meal Worms
Hate: Bath

- Scooby is Re, he's timid, even if i nearer my hands, he'd easily get scared and ball up, shivering just like ScoobyDoo... But whenever i have worms in my palm, he'll dive for the worms. Scooby likes driking from the bottle...Scooby's quills are mostly standing...pretty much standing, always in defensive mode...haha... But he's also a bit slow, sometimes when he's chewing kibbles, he might also pick the worm up from my palm, like chewing everything -,-""
Favorite Food: Meal Worms
Hate: Bath

- Tin Tin is Me. Whenever i feed TuanTuan, Tin Tin will be rushing out. He's smart, he knows it's time for worms~~ Tin Tin is very smart, despite he's tiny body, he's the most alert and energetic one. This small guy is too smart, when he got his turn on the worms, he'd go inside the box, and pop his head out from the other end and I, the stupid one, thought was he's brother, so i gave him another worms. Damn, after he comes out i realise he's actually Tin Tin....
Favorite Food: Meal Worms
Hate: Bath

-Finally, it's Fa - Marney, the female hedgehog. She's always the last one to sneaks out for meal, always the last one to finish her meal. When the rest are eating outside, she'd be mostly sleeping inside the box... and if she wakes up, she would stay at the box opening, watching what's happening... only sticks her head out if i hold a worm on my palm.... She's very careful :P She actually heavier and bigger than Tin Tin eventhough she eat less when i was around, maybe she only sneaks out when I'm not around. Other than worms, her favorite is sleep. Just like PP. =P
Favorite Food: Meal Worms
Hate: Bath

I bath them all today, except Marney, she wont come out...i lure her with a worm, but she still stay inside..hahaha, she wants sleeps.....damn... 2 months later, Tuan Tuan finally meets Yuan Yuan again.... 2 months of depression for Yuan Yuan, Yuan Yuan seems to be totally cheer up today. He's excited to see Tuan Tuan, i let them both meet outside the cage and inside Yuan Yuan's cage... He squeak seeing her....I let the spend about 10 minutes or less??
After i return Tuan Tuan to her cage, Yuan Yuan sits and stare at the door.... clearly, he cant wait to see her again.


Remember this scene?

here's one of my latest collection:
Saw this in a shop, was selling really cheap....
A character from the famous horror movie : Psycho



This is Tin Tin, the tiniest among the 4 babies....weight 120grams. It's a boi boi, he is very careful, but when he smells worms from ur fingers, he would rush the hell out of the cage... =D =D he is so cute, i like him, thus i'm keeping him.

Do and Re(i dunno what they will be name later ^^) are bigger (weight 130-160grams), they are also adorable, I actually likes them as much as Tin Tin and the rest. But they are far more friendly comparing to Tin Tin, they more approachable.... they are the explorer~~~
So, that make my choice to be giving them both out, they are better pet to new hedgehogs owner, and of cos i'm trying to make sure Tin Tin becomes fei fei bak bak~~~

my frens are kinda ready.... they wanted to keep them, and i hope this 2 more friendly boys would love their new home soon. Both going to separate house, but i'm quite sure they will keep them in good shapes :)

And so there you go.....
I'm keeping a boy and a girl, ;) both have a character of their daddy, sleep and ONLY approachable with TREATSSSSSSSSSSSSSS....nvm that, they are all lovely....
The next thing is......what should i name "Fa"................hmmmmmm


Bedtime Stories (2008)

The Real Bedtime Stories Now. ;)

Bedtime Stories and Inkheart got something in common. Bedtime Stories became real!!
Adam Sandler aka Skeeter Bronson the Sir Fixalot of Nottingham Hotel experienced his most of the important week of his life - baby sitting his niece and nephew.
Everynight, uncle Skeeter will tell bedtime story for the kids making out with his life, but stories he tell isn't really "happy ending" fairy tales for the kids. The kids would rewrite the stories and guess wat?? it's happening in real~~ hokey pokey dance, raining gummy balls, dwarfs and undermiaciated... ;)
Get a laugh, enjoy it ^^

ps: I love Bugsy - The guinea pig, I love him so much :p so adorable, especially with it's eyes XD

Inkheart (2008)

It has been awhile since my last movie......
I just watched Inkheart - A German version of Harry Potter they said. That's the first intention that caught me watch it. Second, it's Fair Tale, Third, it's Brendan Fraser~~~~
Now, German version of Harry Potter, does it means as nice as it? or as famous as it? or as acceptable as it? i dont know, u be the judge.

Mortimer, Mo is a book doctor, aka silvertongue, he's gifted- meaning, books that he read out loud, he can bring the character/scenario alive. Poofff!!! Cinderella is in front of you.... but!! somebody has to go inside the book~~
Mo was telling bedtime story "inkheart" to her little girl.... first he brought Capricorn out, a Valiant Duke(portray by Andy Serkis!!! dunno who? Gollum u must know from Lord of the Ring) and also Dustfinger, the one who save his life...... but at the same time, Mo has sent Resa; his wife into the book.
Mo never read out loud ever since..........

Many things has been brought out from books, Unicorn, Flying Monkeys, Minataur, orcs and crocs.... the only thing is that it was brought out by a stutter reader..... ;) so the character was a bit crap up... haha... Capricorns, Dustfire etc are seeking for silvertongue, seek him to read..... to get somethg they want, and Mo, searching for a copy of inkheart for 9 years, in return of his wife...............


Family Potrait

This is the first photo of the Mother and babies together after 6 weeks.
Baby girl is friendly today, i held her on my palm and i felt she is warm, very warm... i notice her quills isnt shiny... is it because the quills changing? or is it not....... hmmm... i have to be very careful with her, monitor her closely for the coming days.
Babies are eating much, bowls are always empty and i think i have to increase more rooms for them to have private bed.
The next thing I'm trying to train is on their litter, poos pool....


Week 6

Do Re Mi the 3 boi boi
All healthy and naughty.
This week they starts changing quills to adult quills...a bit moody they become.....

Healthy quills, waxy non loss patch

The girl is still very shy, seldom come out, sleep a lot + very timid.








“好看吗?” 我问,你轻轻的点头。




No cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese for you tonight!!

here's another paper artwork.
Jack Skeleton!
From Tim Burton's - Corpse Bride
Printed in black and white. so...it's a bit dull
A 10" tall dude....skinny, but...solid.
u cant see Jack's mouth from this angle....but the print out does affect the finishing....


The End?

Paths of our life are chosen by our own, but it doesnt mean we get to choose our root.
We have no idea which way we going, we have no idea how we end and when is the end, the only thing is keep moving on......when we take a look behind, we often think how great would it be IF........... but, there's no IF, there's only 1 chance.

Looking at life, it decides where we end and there's no turning back, there isnt a single root that goes straight all the way to the end, and there will be no another "same" route, no matter how it goes, it will be different for each path you pick. Root is planted here, u can only go your for the rest, but not at the beginning, the split at the early stage, simply decides whether you are stronger or not. But it doesnt mean bad or good and as you can see, there's plenty of paths yet to come, grow and spread the seeds, where the other root begins

under a dead environment, let it be the end of the root itself.



I have not been browsing the old photo cd of mine long long ago, I took it out for sourcing some photos for my own "experiments" and it reminds me how "disobedient" being a college student.

We were doing a project of Islamic Building... and were told to contribute several Islamic related photos. To produce the photos, we gather a few friends to have a "mosque" visiting trip together.
As we know, there are many mosque in KL, a few famous mosque cant be reach with "LRT", they are distance away, lucky enough to have local friends who drive....went to a couple of them, Jalan Duta mosque, mosque in Putrajaya, Masjid Jamek etc.

I wasnt really into photography when i was in college, i think i hate it, i felt it was troublesome, and felt i has got no sense in choosing a good photo too.... so i hate it, altho i enjoy the darkroom processing =P

I dont remember i took any nice islamic buildings photo, cos i dont even have em in my HD. XD.... after a few days trip, all i got is this......

The kitten in Masjid Jamek

Babies at Week 4

Week 4, the fur on their faces and tummy has grown nicely now.... ^^ so cute...
they wonder around all 4 of them XD and i get to play with them 1 by 1.
at first when a baby came out, Tuan Tuan grab him back to the box......but soon, he came out again... Tuan Tuan gave up planning to get some sleep outside... but after awhile, 3 babies starts to mess around her, she was kinda tired and i move her out the cage, she sleeps deep in the private box. Naughty....naughty babies~~~~~~~~


Isnt him cute?

My first boy.

I saw his head near the box awake... i lure him out with my fingers
and he came to me :D he's so cute....
i checked and it's a boy..... not sure the rest... but i bet he's growing into a nice pet.....
he licks me, so i have to avoid him licking, i put him on my lap, but he licks my pants again -,-""....i gotta place him back within seconds..... then he starts anointing =D smart!!!

checking out.....checking back in :)



朋友, 前幾天我將九年前的紀念冊拿出來....一篇一篇的翻著...翻到了你的筆跡...有許多感觸. 也是驚訝,也是感激;驚訝,是因為沒想到,沒想到你竟然寫這麼長.感激,是因為你的用心,你的每一句話,都這麼真誠......
你提到..."老友,認識你少少有十年....." 今天,已經快二十年了耶...多希望這句話當著你面說...
你當年的不告而別...令多少朋友心碎??? 我還以為一直到今天我們還是繼續保持聯絡!
其實很想罵你 - 有難,不是老友都一同擋的嗎??!?!?!你不是說要保持聯絡的嗎???!!??
遺憾當時不在你身邊支持著你...甚至...甚至送你一程... 至今還有點自責.. 但是放心吧...你在我們心裡,我們共度的無數快樂時光...我永遠不會忘記那瘋狂的日子..
從我們小學一年M班,度過了六年的"荒謬"日子後,中學4S4,5S4的學生生涯,結束在S4的最後兩排...你坐在角落,我坐中間..隔著一排,雖然我們兩交流不多,但是就正如你說的我們"心照"啦~Poh Seng,你這個瘋子,你超愛作弄人....特別是chai tze, siak chuan他們...鬥嘴,打屁,拍照也這麼搞怪...常常出去喝茶源源不絕的笑聲....都是你.... 告訴你你告訴過我的一句話: 謝謝你,朋友,謝謝你的友誼和回憶,你這位朋友的友誼和回憶,都會永遠永遠的stick在我心靈上!
