last nite was terrible..
bloody Star Cineplex..charge RM 8 for this bloody 65 minutes movie.... (ok, super Wednesday suppose to be RM5)
yet this movie is just slightly above "sux" level, not really funny to be honest....
and hell luck my fren dropped the ticket after we're jam in the carpark for almost 1 hour...(lost ticket=RM15) imagine it's just a 3 level distance for us and took 1 hour to actually get to the counter...
there are suppose to be 2 but they ran only 1 counter to collect the payment... *$%#$#@$#$#!
The only part that i find really funny is when they march.....with I'll survive holding hands and galloping.... dat's is so Gay... lol... in spartan, man and woman high five while man and man mouth kiss with tongue... XD
Not only not funny, it was gross..... euukkk!!!
Xerxes...Xexus or XXESSESE DUNNO LA....it's the fat guy below, he accidentally rip his left nipple Ouchh...and he stapled it back :|
It has a lot of disgusting scene that makes everyone in the cinema "aww" "yuck" "euukkk" and "alamak" from 2 guys behind me... LOL...
Meet The Spartans actually produced by the same team who produce epic movie, scary movie and etc.... but this time, it's worst.... all those jokes they made on celebrities like Linsay, Britney, Paris, American Idol etc etc.... but...to be honest..not really funny... u get to see spoofs on stomp the yard, spiderman, transformer, happy feet, ghost rider, shrek and of cos most of all 300.....
my opinion...if u wanna see it, see the uncut version rather than....a RM8 version... LOL ;)

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