Other than my mother tongue... i understand english and malay as well..
dialects like cantonese, hokkien, teochew i can both understand and speaks... hakka and bahasa sarawak only understand a bit but not spoken.
a few words of Japanese, Korean, Spanish, French, Italian......when i mean few words..it's really few words.. like hi, bye, thank you, welcome, fxxx, bxxxx, mxxxxxfxxxxxx, etc LOL..
we know quite a few of Korean Words with one of my gangs of frens.... so we have our own "language"... we simply like to mix a few Korean in our sentence and it doesnt make sense or not in proper grammatically constructionally.... but sometimes i just throw some of the words out with some other gangs which...obviously they dont understand.. LOL... i said "ara" instead of ok last night and it wasnt intentionally.... cos ara seems like.. "alah..." in a frustrating way? so...i wonder wat they think i meant..hahaa... sorry then... hahaa..
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