This film release when i was in Birmingham...but the timing wasnt right...it was during my assessment week if not mistaken....so i never make it to the cinema... i discussed the film with my fren...and i thought i would be really nice...and it is... ^^
This film took the crew 4 days to shoot.....well..if u've seen it...you'd know why...lol~
Halley - Ellen Page again...yea...from Juno, i felt she's familiar.. only then i recall that i missed this film when it was released.... again..she did really well... as a 14 years old girl....committing a murder like that...it's unbelievable... i've read that this movie is an inspiration from a group of Japanese underage girls chatting online and lure them out to abuse them.....wow...
She's too smart...she scare the him to death... the castration, the stun gun, the asphyxiate.... after all, it's about revenge....revenge for Donna Mauer i suppose....
Jeff is a pedophile...but he denies it.... Halley's doing everything she can.....to make him pay for it.
*i guess this is my first time to see such a long quotes taken from a movie..LOL...hard candy is one.
they actually shot the opening part of the movie last during their shooting...so some says Jeff's facial hair obviously was thicker... and the ice on Jeff's groin during the castration never melts? lol....and one goofs that i agree quite obviously made is the noose that was on Jeff actually tied in front..but when he jump, it was behind him...hahah~
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