After this new company took over, they did a massive renovation, reconstruction....well at least most of it are different now. I like how they build the exit, i somehow felt "mid valley like" yeah...exactly,the back tunnel.
They have improved the seats, more comfortable, cushioned handle somemore. They have improved their flooring, their sounds system and even ticketing system. They are still currently under construction, on the exterior, the corridor and entrance, they sort of need to move around while i was queeing for tickets!!!

District 9 - Peter Jackson's latest creation.
Comparing to United93, D-9 is more pleasant watching.
You wont feel really dizzy at least for fren do felt a bit dizzy at time....
But for me, it's perfect! it's portraying a documentary but it's less uncomfortable.

Wikus was infected from Christopher's 20 years of hard work saving some kind of fluids in order to fly the spaceships activating the mothership so they can get back to the space for help. Wikus is changing, MNU needs him as a "life" specimen for investigation and experimentation which is somehow cruel and inhumanity. Wikus escaped, without any other choice, he has to help christopher and believes he will come back to help him turns back to a human.
For not spoiling it, I shall stop by the ending and ;) let you watch the rest on your own.
pretty nice film. Enjoy~
They have a cool website, visit
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