
其實我個人好簡單, 唔鍾意太過直接,亦唔鍾意轉彎抹角.
如果你係我朋友,我對你係點,其實全部都會擺係塊面度,尤其是係一d 嗨&bye嘅朋友. 傾唔埋嗰d唔好講,吊靴鬼,大炮友,失魂鸡,烂头虾──鬼死咁剋人掙嗰d咧....雖然我不會好出面去踩人,都唔會好誇張咁表示唔爽...齋無交流...都無興趣去了解佢哋. 面皮厚的來同我講也,我都會回答嘅,但係面色就有的看囉.
最令我反胃更家係d利用朋友嘅人. 做朋友唔係為左利益嘎 ,亦不是為左方便,因為你是所謂朋友的關係而超級唔客氣的指示你做呢樣做嗰樣...又話自己點靠得住...有幾掂... 呢d人我都費時睬佢. 唔係話我冷血,一次兩次三次都唔夠嘎,最尾總要我哋去受氣,好人不好做啊...你對人好,人哋就當你水魚. 開口埋口都係嗰句'我當你朋友je'...我頂你個肺....我呸,朋友???揾我笨啫...假到死.
I went Lotusfive Star Cinema last Sunday with a pair of frens. This is the 1st time in this year i went to this Cinema...not sure when was my last visit to this cinema, but definitely was far before they renovate and replaced by Lotus Five. It was called Metrowhealth and Riverside Cineplex long ago..... which i'm sorry to say hate going. Too many dissappointed visits there, the culture there are different, the quality are poor; imagine watching movie half way you are like watching charlie charplin show... "Muggles" throwing rubbish over your head, kicking chairs and so on...
After this new company took over, they did a massive renovation, reconstruction....well at least most of it are different now. I like how they build the exit, i somehow felt "mid valley like" yeah...exactly,the back tunnel.
They have improved the seats, more comfortable, cushioned handle somemore. They have improved their flooring, their sounds system and even ticketing system. They are still currently under construction, on the exterior, the corridor and entrance, they sort of need to move around while i was queeing for tickets!!!
Ok, let's not get too far from the topic.
District 9 - Peter Jackson's latest creation.
Comparing to United93, D-9 is more pleasant watching.
You wont feel really dizzy at least for me....my fren do felt a bit dizzy at time....
But for me, it's perfect! it's portraying a documentary but it's less uncomfortable.

D-9 is a futuristic film, aliens inhabited earth under control by the Humans. They are only allow to stay at certain District under human's surveillance. Wikus from the MNU was on duty to request signature from Aliens in the District 9 for relocation agreements when all it begins..........
Wikus was infected from Christopher's 20 years of hard work saving some kind of fluids in order to fly the spaceships activating the mothership so they can get back to the space for help. Wikus is changing, MNU needs him as a "life" specimen for investigation and experimentation which is somehow cruel and inhumanity. Wikus escaped, without any other choice, he has to help christopher and believes he will come back to help him turns back to a human.
For not spoiling it, I shall stop by the ending and ;) let you watch the rest on your own.
pretty nice film. Enjoy~
They have a cool website, visit d-9.com
After this new company took over, they did a massive renovation, reconstruction....well at least most of it are different now. I like how they build the exit, i somehow felt "mid valley like" yeah...exactly,the back tunnel.
They have improved the seats, more comfortable, cushioned handle somemore. They have improved their flooring, their sounds system and even ticketing system. They are still currently under construction, on the exterior, the corridor and entrance, they sort of need to move around while i was queeing for tickets!!!

District 9 - Peter Jackson's latest creation.
Comparing to United93, D-9 is more pleasant watching.
You wont feel really dizzy at least for me....my fren do felt a bit dizzy at time....
But for me, it's perfect! it's portraying a documentary but it's less uncomfortable.

Wikus was infected from Christopher's 20 years of hard work saving some kind of fluids in order to fly the spaceships activating the mothership so they can get back to the space for help. Wikus is changing, MNU needs him as a "life" specimen for investigation and experimentation which is somehow cruel and inhumanity. Wikus escaped, without any other choice, he has to help christopher and believes he will come back to help him turns back to a human.
For not spoiling it, I shall stop by the ending and ;) let you watch the rest on your own.
pretty nice film. Enjoy~
They have a cool website, visit d-9.com
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