This is Man Man 滿滿. He was Scooby aka Re previously.... haha... his future owner wants to name him 滿滿after團團圓圓. Man Man is big man now....he's quite heavy compare to Tin Tin.... Look at his nails....he need pedicure and manicure soon kakakakaka......

Tin Tin on the wheel,with his camouflage hat...haha... Their quills pigment is developing into lighter shades now....and i think it is nicer... just like his dad.
Mickey has been sent over to his new owner last weekend...... i heard he has been making so much noises in the middle of the night moving his house hahahaha...nice one Mickey....
I love 滿滿... the posture is SO ADORABLE... like saying come come, come to me... @"@
Tin Tin is so active... and where is that camouflage hat comes from? U gave it to him?
Tin Tin is having an intensive training at the family service camp, the camouflage hat is just part of his armour.... LOL
wah, the more I look at them, the more adorable they become... @@
and unapproachable (I cannot take bites... >.<)
haha...no, tintin and marney wont bite, the kids wont bite, yuan yuan also very gentle, he normally picks up the worms from my hand gentlemanly, just tuan tuan, she's very excited and hungry for worms, bite my hands for a taste of worms.
ya, ask them to reserve their "gentleness" til i go bek and touch them ok? i'm afraid they bite or poke me oso...
u cannot avoid poke by them... cannot at all..now i still get poke a lot, but i use to it liao...LOL.. i like feel nothing anymore...hahaha
=.=!!! ah jac 被虐狂 ;p
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