Despite the strong religion aspect in this movie, i strongly recommend this movie to all my frens especially if you're married.... ;)
I'm not on the path that only by believing in god will allow u understand the meaning of love. I think the belief is just a tool of Love instead of Love as a tool to know god....
I mean, every religion serve the same purpose which is to educate, but it is easier to understand with the guidance of believes.
Michael demonstrate the salt and pepper theory to Caleb.. but i do understand certain ppl will go on picking if they choose not to believe....
During the failing of relationship, Caleb claims that Catherine is too sensitive and, "doesn't show me respect," whereas she tells her hospital co-workers that he is, "so insensitive," and that, "he doesn't listen to me," and, "doesn't understand my needs... [Does that reflect any of u?]
This is the conversation between Caleb and his dad.....maybe it is hard for a non christian to accept it, but if u're not and u're smart, u will understand :)
(from IMDB)
John Holt: Has she thanked you for anything you've done the last 20 days?
Caleb Holt: No! And you'd think after I washed the car, I've changed the oil, do the dishes, cleaned the house, that she would try to show me a little bit of gratitude. But she doesn't! In fact, when I come home, she makes me like I'm - like I'm an enemy! I'm not even welcome in my own home, Dad. That is what really ticks me off! Dad, for the last three weeks, I have bent over backwards for her. I have tried to demonstrate that I still care about this relationship. I bought her flowers, which she threw away. I have taken her insults and her sarcasm, but last night was it. I made dinner for her. I did everything I could to demonstrate that I care about her, to show value for her, and she spat in my face! She does not deserve this, Dad. I'm not doing it anymore! How am I supposed to show love to somebody over and over and over who constantly rejects me?
John Holt: [touches, then leans against cross] That's a good question.
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