I kinda like this film... i like the detective's mentality in this movie...it's cool....really cool...
i mean, he cut his ear down for his sir as a gift... cool eh? now come on, we all like mysterious movie eh? my frens do..... but we not psychopathic yea... how cool it is if u got a fren like him, seeing everybody's ghost...ghost which means the "devil" inside one selves.. it is true...and it is exactly how ugly humanity is.....
I have been chasing prison break for a couple of weeks.... erm, we all know it's normal to be chasing it, cos it's a 4 season drama series, now everyseason has got at least 29 episode...which makes 4 seasons........ yea... u do the maths...

now Michael Scoldfield is superb genius, he has a gift of exceeding rate of EQ, but bare in mind, this got them insane easily, unless they get a hold on it..... i admire him for the work of art and the mind he has got.... and one thg that will stay in mind forever, the famous body tattoo.....

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