I thought i would have my uni way of sleeping when i got there, (there was a time when i sleep at 5am, wake up at 10am and sleep at 1pm till 6 or 8pm) but havn't been sleeping well though....or i should say...havn't been sleeping enough.....

The 1st nite
i went back hotel around 3.45am, only get to sleep around 5am with the help of Discovery Channel.......and my lovely fren send me a message early in the morning while she was on her way to her 1st day of work saying "Jac, wake up shh shh!".
when during this time of the day, i'm extremely light sleeper.... of cos the msg woke me up.... -.-
hardly get back to sleep, nua on bed with TV, Friends....nice.... i gave up sleeping and prepare to meet this lovely fren at Orchard around 2pm.
The 2nd nite
Went back hotel around 3am after the experience in MOS, continue my discovery channel in the comfy bed all the way to 5am.
Woke up at 10, i missed the breakfast again....sweet...back to sleep....eh? i think i sleep for an hour or so after i wake up to get walk around at 1pm?
The 3rd nite
Reach hotel around 4.30am? or 5am? forgotten... Discovery channel again....finally get some sleep at 6 o'clock..... but....wake up at 10am again????!?!?! not interested in the breakfast, nua till 12noon.....
The 4th nite
this should be the earliest day to get back hotel, which is 7pm. Lovely.... Fallen asleep around 9pm..... Thought i finally get to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.....
Woke up....take a look at the watch..... 1am... wat's next?? get back to sleep la......2am....wat? i'm still awake.... TV on, DiscoVERY Channel again.....Wow, many crime investigation session... one after another.....damn,.....4am i'm still watching Discovery.... but i'm lucky that i finally got unconscious between 5 or 6am.
10am Again..... hmm....nua for another hour...till i pack my stuffs
Back in Kch, my 5th Nite. Really feeling tired in the airport.....Thought i should be having a real good sleep later tonight.....and DANG!!! i'm here blogging....went to bed at 1am.......climb out my bed not even fallen asleep for a sec at 3am....
lol...wat is wrong with me....

That's why i dont think i've been thinking much for the pass 4 nites in hotel or when i'm alone....and now that i'm back, i definitely has got a lot going on in my mind tonite.
thinking of Wat am i gonna do next....Where am i going next..... How i want my future to be......and....i never had an answer.....sometimes i think i'm living for someone else rather for myself......
maybe bcos i'm too lucky.........
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